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At Granite Harbor Advisors, we value the educational process, giving our clients the knowledge to move forward with confidence.


The Importance of Life Insurance in Retirement Planning During the Great Wealth Transfer
7 minutes read

The Importance of Life Insurance in Retirement Planning During the Great Wealth Transfer

The “Great Wealth Transfer” refers to the monumental shift of wealth from the Baby Boomer generation to its heirs. Over the next few decades, an estimated $84 trillion will be transferred to younger generations. This unprecedented movement of assets presents opportunities, but also challenges, for families seeking to secure their financial futures through the seamless transfer of wealth from one generation…
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The Great Wealth Transfer is Underway: Navigating New Frontiers in Retirement
8 minutes read

The Great Wealth Transfer is Underway: Navigating New Frontiers in Retirement

The impending transfer of wealth from Baby Boomers to Millennials and Gen Z is not just an unprecedented shift in economic power, estimated at $84.4 trillion by the year 2045, but also a crucial lifeline for the latter generations who are navigating through a vastly different and more challenging economic landscape than their predecessors. Unlike the Boomers, Millennials and Gen Z have been grappling…
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Navigating the Complexities of 280G Regulations in Mergers and Acquisitions
8 minutes read

Navigating the Complexities of 280G Regulations in Mergers and Acquisitions

Contributed by: Nicholas Gonzalez In the journey of any business, the strategic steps of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) stand as pivotal moments that can shape the company's path for years to come. For those entering this field, it's crucial to grasp that every move carries significant weight. Even a minor action can trigger a tax consequence under Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code, impacting…
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Ensuring Your Legacy through Estate Planning: Preparing for the Inevitable
5 minutes read

Ensuring Your Legacy through Estate Planning: Preparing for the Inevitable

During a recent estate plan meeting, one of our most trusted partner estate attorneys shared a thought that deeply resonated with us and our clients. She emphasized, "Leaving your family without a plan in place is one of the most inconsiderate things you could do." We couldn't agree more. When a loved one passes away without a proper plan, it can cause significant stress, unintended burdens, and consequences…
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 Tips for Increasing the Benefits and Tax Breaks of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
3 minutes read

Tips for Increasing the Benefits and Tax Breaks of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

In the complex world of healthcare finance, one tool often stands out for its versatility and tax advantages - the Health Savings Account (HSA). HSAs are tax-advantaged medical savings accounts available to taxpayers enrolled in high-deductible health plans. But beyond being merely a savings tool, the HSA, when used strategically, can offer significant financial benefits. This guide will provide valuable…
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Navigating the Alternative Minimum Tax Changes: A Comprehensive Guide for High Income Earners
4 minutes read

Navigating the Alternative Minimum Tax Changes: A Comprehensive Guide for High Income Earners

Navigating the Alternative Minimum Tax Changes: The landscape of taxation is complex, and it becomes even more intricate when it comes to high income earners. One such complexity is the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), a tax system designed to ensure that wealthier taxpayers pay a minimum amount of tax, regardless of the deductions and credits they may claim. With the changes brought about by the Tax…
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Understanding Premium Financing: A Strategic Approach to Wealth Building
2 minutes read

Understanding Premium Financing: A Strategic Approach to Wealth Building

Understanding Premium Financing Premium Financing represents a sophisticated financial strategy that involves the procurement of a bank loan to pay for insurance premiums. This approach is particularly advantageous for high-net-worth individuals seeking to preserve their use of capital in other areas, while securing desired life insurance coverage for liquidity planning. The Mechanics of Premium Financing Premium…
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Financial and Estate Planning for High-net-Worth Individuals with a Blended Family
4 minutes read

Financial and Estate Planning for High-net-Worth Individuals with a Blended Family

In the intricate realm of financial and estate planning, an additional layer of complexity arises when dealing with high-net-worth individuals who have blended families. The challenge lies in striking a delicate balance between the financial needs and goals of each family member, while also ensuring that wealth is strategically managed and preserved for future generations. This blog post aims to illuminate…
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Navigating Complex Tax Regulations for High-Net-Worth Individuals
6 minutes read

Navigating Complex Tax Regulations for High-Net-Worth Individuals

Navigating Complex Tax Regulations for High-Net-Worth Individuals When it comes to tax planning, high net worth families must pay adequate attention to three distinct taxes on their wealth: income tax, capital gains tax, and estate tax. Understanding and managing these taxes effectively is not only a requirement but also a strategic move to safeguard wealth and ensure future financial health. This…
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Empowering Your Estate: The Dynamic Partnership of Estate Planning Attorneys & Wealth Advisors
7 minutes read

Empowering Your Estate: The Dynamic Partnership of Estate Planning Attorneys & Wealth Advisors

The Dynamic Partnership of Estate Planning Attorneys & Wealth Advisors Co-Author – Amy R. Koontz, Attorney at Malouf Nakos Jackson & Swinson, P.C. As American retirees prepare to transfer a staggering $36 trillion over the next 30 years to families, friends, and charitable organizations upon death1, it’s critical to understand that a seamless transfer of wealth requires more than just a will.…
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Maximizing Real Estate Returns in Texas
7 minutes read

Maximizing Real Estate Returns in Texas

Maximizing Real Estate Returns in Texas: Investment Strategies & Ownership With Texas's changing property tax landscape, real estate is becoming an increasingly attractive asset class. Discover if and how real estate may fit within your investment portfolio. Governor Abbott recently signed one of the most significant property tax cuts in American history, officially using $18 billion of the state’s…
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Top Tax Moves for High-Net-Worth Investors to Consider Before December 31
4 minutes read

Top Tax Moves for High-Net-Worth Investors to Consider Before December 31

Top Tax Moves for High-Net-Worth Investors to Consider Before December 31 As 2023 draws to a close, now is the time to proactively review your accounts with your team of wealth professionals to make strategic tax moves before the end of the year. With accurate annual income projections in sight, there are several timely opportunities to consider: maximize pre-tax deductions and strategically plan…
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Maximizing Tax-Advantaged Wealth: Creating Strategic Partnerships Between CPAs & Wealth Advisors
5 minutes read

Maximizing Tax-Advantaged Wealth: Creating Strategic Partnerships Between CPAs & Wealth Advisors

One of the most significant threats to the long-term success of wealth accumulation, particularly for high-net-worth individuals, is the burden of taxes. The question to all finance professionals, from CPAs to wealth advisors, is simple: What steps can we take now to proactively help maximize wealth and minimize tax burdens in the future? Often, these strategies require the partnership of a CPA and…
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Secure Your Business Legacy: The Power of Buy-Sell Agreement Planning for Business Owners
6 minutes read

Secure Your Business Legacy: The Power of Buy-Sell Agreement Planning for Business Owners

The Power of Buy-Sell Agreement Planning for Business Owners As a business owner, ensuring the long-term success and continuity of your enterprise is usually at the very top of the list of priorities. One of the essentials that can help you achieve this goal is effective buy-sell planning. This article delves into the significance of buy-sell planning for business owners and highlights the key strategies…
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Understanding Your Retirement Benefits: Things to consider as a BP Executive Preparing to Retire
7 minutes read

Understanding Your Retirement Benefits: Things to consider as a BP Executive Preparing to Retire

How do I make the most of my BP retirement benefits? As one of the most lucrative positions in the oil and gas industry, BP executives enjoy exceptional employee benefits. However, navigating these offerings can be overwhelming, even for high-level executives. From cash compensation and severance packages to stock options and bonuses, the array of benefits can be daunting to navigate—especially anticipating…
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Managing Your 401(k) After Job Transition: Key Considerations & Advanced Tax Strategies
6 minutes read

Managing Your 401(k) After Job Transition: Key Considerations & Advanced Tax Strategies

What to do with Your 401(k) after Leaving a Job: Key Considerations & Advanced Tax Strategies When navigating a job transition, whether entering retirement or an unexpected layoff, one crucial aspect that requires careful consideration is what to do with your 401(k) plan. Making informed choices is of utmost importance to safeguard your financial future. By taking stock of your existing plan and…
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A Comprehensive Guide to the Private Equity Due Diligence Process
4 minutes read

A Comprehensive Guide to the Private Equity Due Diligence Process

Private equity investments offer the potential for significant returns, but they also carry a considerable amount of risk. Therefore, conducting a thorough due diligence process is crucial to evaluate the viability and suitability of these opportunities. We have constructed a robust infrastructure that allows us to bring private equity opportunities directly to you, ensuring a more transparent and…
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The Clock is Ticking: Why Accredited Investors are Taking Advantage of Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI)
5 minutes read

The Clock is Ticking: Why Accredited Investors are Taking Advantage of Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI)

As today's top federal estate tax rate, or "death tax," currently tops out at 40%, proactive planning is needed for high-net-worth individuals who want to avoid nearly half of their estate going to taxes rather than their heirs upon death.1 With sizeable estate tax exemptions currently set to expire on December 31, 2025, combined with today's historically attractive tax rates, there has never been…
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Pros and Cons of Private Equity Investing: What You Need to Know as a High-Net-Worth Investor
4 minutes read

Pros and Cons of Private Equity Investing: What You Need to Know as a High-Net-Worth Investor

Private equity investments can be an attractive option for investors looking to diversify their portfolios and potentially earn higher returns. However, before jumping into this type of investment, it's critical to consider whether it's the right choice for your individual financial goals and risk tolerance. What are the pros of private equity investing? Higher potential returns: Private equity investments…
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The Ultimate Guide to Private Market Investing
10 minutes read

The Ultimate Guide to Private Market Investing

Getting Started with Private Markets as part of a Comprehensive Investment Strategy for Accredited Investors. Private Market Investing has become increasingly popular over the years as investors seek higher returns in a low-interest-rate environment and an alternative to the daily volatility of the public markets1. Private Markets can be a profitable venture for the right investor. While investing…
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Is my money safe? Understanding the impact of a bank collapse
6 minutes read

Is my money safe? Understanding the impact of a bank collapse

The recent collapses of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank (Signature) resulted in two of the three biggest bank collapses in U.S. history, behind the 2008 collapse of Washington Mutual. This has created uncertainty over the stability and liquidity of all banks, especially for those with over $250,000 FDIC limits in a single institution—including many small businesses needing liquidity for…
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Inheritance or Legacy?
5 minutes read

Inheritance or Legacy?

It takes no planning to leave an inheritance, you just have to pass away owning something. However, most wealthy families are more interested in leaving a legacy, which does require significant thought and planning. The Dilemma John has worked his entire life to achieve success in both his personal and professional life. He wanted nothing more than to create the best life for his loved ones, and worked…
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Navigating SECURE 2.0 Retirement Reform: Key Changes & Planning Strategies
5 minutes read

Navigating SECURE 2.0 Retirement Reform: Key Changes & Planning Strategies

Retirement savings rules have recently undergone significant changes with the implementation of SECURE 2.0. From age changes for required minimum distributions (RMDs) to more opportunities to save with catch-up contributions, read on to learn some of the fundamental changes from this legislation and how they may impact you and your comprehensive financial plan for retirement. What is SECURE 2.0? With…
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Tax-Efficient Strategies When Selling a Business
5 minutes read

Tax-Efficient Strategies When Selling a Business

For business owners who may have worked for decades to build up their companies, deciding to sell the business can be an emotional process. But it’s also a practical one where savvy business owners need to find ways to minimize the tax implications of selling a business to benefit themselves and other stakeholders. There are a number of strategies, particularly during the planning stage and the sales…
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Now Is the Time to Review Estate
4 minutes read

Now Is the Time to Review Estate

Wealthy individuals who’ve completed their estate plans may consider the job done. But estate planning is a journey, not a destination. So many factors — personal, financial, and political — can change over time and challenge the effectiveness of even the best-constructed estate plan. That’s why it’s important for high-net-worth individuals to regularly review their plans with financial and estate…
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How to Create Liquidity by Selling a Business to an ESOP
5 minutes read

How to Create Liquidity by Selling a Business to an ESOP

Selling a closely held business can be an incredibly complex process that requires a lot of thoughtful planning. For business owners, two challenges often come to the forefront: finding a buyer and creating a liquidity event for the business owner. Selling a business to an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) can address both of these issues while also creating an incentive for employees. Here’s a…
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Why Average Rate of Return is Not the Key to Retirement Income Planning
4 minutes read

Why Average Rate of Return is Not the Key to Retirement Income Planning

Many investors use the average rate of returns as one of their primary metrics for assessing portfolio performance. In your earning years, the average rate is a useful benchmark because most people are focused on total wealth accumulation. But when you enter retirement, the order in which you experience those returns becomes much more important. A bad year or two at the start of retirement could have…
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Income Tax Planning in Early Retirement: Strategies for HNWIs
5 minutes read

Income Tax Planning in Early Retirement: Strategies for HNWIs

Anyone entering retirement must manage the tax implications that come with shifting their primary income source from their employer to other income streams like social security. But for high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) with robust portfolios, income tax planning can be particularly complex. Retiring early can complicate the tax planning process even further. In a recent video presentation, Granite…
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Cash flow in early retirement: Six considerations for high-net-worth individuals
6 minutes read

Cash flow in early retirement: Six considerations for high-net-worth individuals

Many people dream of retiring early so they can spend more time with family and their passions outside of work. But early retirement can present some unique risks, even for high-net-worth individuals. To ensure financial goals are met, thoughtful planning is required, particularly when it comes to cash flow. In a recent video presentation, Granite Harbor partner Tim Smith, CFP® discussed considerations…
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Benefits of Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI) for the Ultra-Affluent
4 minutes read

Benefits of Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI) for the Ultra-Affluent

Tax rates are currently at or near historic lows. But ask just about anyone and the expectation is that taxes are sure to increase in the future. So, finding tax-efficient shelters for wealth accumulation is important for protecting long-term portfolio value and accomplishing tax planning goals. For the ultra-wealthy, private placement life insurance (PPLI) can provide powerful tax benefits while helping…
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How grantor trusts (and alternatives) aid estate planning
5 minutes read

How grantor trusts (and alternatives) aid estate planning

Grantor trusts have long been a valuable estate planning tool because they allow affluent individuals to separate assets for estate and income tax purposes. But a recent legislative proposal would have radically changed how these trusts could be used, effectively eliminating their tax shelter benefits. Since the initial proposal, this particular section has since been removed, but ideas that surface…
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Don’t Let Age Guide Your Retirement Planning
4 minutes read

Don’t Let Age Guide Your Retirement Planning

There are many rules of thumb in the world of personal financial planning, particularly when it comes to retirement planning. Some common “rules” are to be more conservative with your money as you get older, or that the percentage of bonds in your portfolio should be equal to your age. These rules may be appropriate for some, but not for all. Many affluent individuals often have more flexibility as…
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The Sandwich Generation: Breaking the Cycle to Create Multi-Generational Wealth
4 minutes read

The Sandwich Generation: Breaking the Cycle to Create Multi-Generational Wealth

“The sandwich generation” is a term used to describe those people who are simultaneously raising children and taking care of their aging parents, all while trying to plan for their own retirement and personal needs. Being sandwiched in between two generations can create an unsustainable financial situation that introduces new risk, potentially jeopardizing your long-term financial health. Let’s look…
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Stock Compensation Strategies: How to Balance Risk and Achieve Tax Efficiency
5 minutes read

Stock Compensation Strategies: How to Balance Risk and Achieve Tax Efficiency

Many corporate executives receive stock as part of their total compensation package. This not only helps align personal goals and company objectives while rewarding top talent with appreciable assets, but many executives enjoy tying their finances, in part, to their employer. They believe in their company and in their own ability to help that company grow. But as total compensation becomes skewed toward…
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Using life insurance to transfer wealth
6 minutes read

Using life insurance to transfer wealth

Good estate planning answers three key questions: Where does your stuff go? Who is in charge? And what are the rules? Life insurance can be one of the most tax-efficient ways to answer these questions because it can limit tax exposure while protecting and facilitating generational wealth. Here’s a look at how you can develop a life insurance strategy that will help preserve your legacy for generations…
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10 Interview Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor
4 minutes read

10 Interview Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor

Ask the Right Questions Not all financial advisors are the same. Asking the right questions can help you find the right advisor for your specific goals. However, you may not be aware of what questions to ask or even what a good answer would be. You may find this concise summary of questions helpful in your search. 1. Are you…
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Inflation: Responding Appropriately with Flexibility and Discipline
4 minutes read

Inflation: Responding Appropriately with Flexibility and Discipline

Inflation is a hot topic these days with many experts and financial institutions offering predictions about the short- and long-term outlook. The truth is, no one can tell the future, and trying to guess our way around what will or will not happen is poor financial planning. Instead, let us take an objective look at the risks associated with inflation, the right mentality for approaching the issue,…
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Opening the back door to tax-free earnings
2 minutes read

Opening the back door to tax-free earnings

As covered in our 401(k) – Super Roth article, a Roth IRA offers an attractive tax benefit. But, what do you do if you do not have a 401(k) or your 401(k) does not allow post-tax contributions? The answer is the BackBack-Door Rothdoor Roth which is the conversion from a Traditional to a Roth IRA. Both the Super Roth and Back Door options are for people who exceed the income limits (single filers that…
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Navigating a Job Transition
3 minutes read

Navigating a Job Transition

Mostly gone are the days where someone spends their entire career working for one company. Talented executives have become “free agents” and can transition between companies as needed. When planned, these job transitions can be an exciting time. Sometimes factors beyond our control force us to endure an unplanned job transition. This can add stress, usually at the worst possible time, as a variety…
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Do I Need a Financial Advisor?
2 minutes read

Do I Need a Financial Advisor?

In the 21st century, endless information is accessible in the palm of our hands. With a few clicks, we can find the basic information we need to make financial decisions quickly and easily. But for some of us, basic information is not enough. Additionally, we tend to have limited amounts of time for researching, implementing, and monitoring financial decisions. If you find yourself thinking about some…
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Rolling over your 401(K)? Consider Net Unrealized Appreciation first
4 minutes read

Rolling over your 401(K)? Consider Net Unrealized Appreciation first

At Granite Harbor Advisors, we believe in helping our clients better understand all of their options so they can make the best decision for their families. To that end, here is a more detailed look at what net unrealized appreciation is and how you can use it to advance your financial goals. What is net unrealized appreciation (NUA)? Net unrealized appreciation is simply the difference in value between…
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Super Fund your Roth IRA for Tax-Free Earnings
2 minutes read

Super Fund your Roth IRA for Tax-Free Earnings

United States Army veteran William Victor Roth will forever be remembered for creating one of the most utilized tax-savings tools available. During his 30-year career as a US Senator, he pioneered a new retirement savings vehicle, the Roth Individual Retirement Account (Roth IRA), as part of the Tax-Payer Relief Act of 1997. With the previously established “traditional” IRA, the tax benefits are realized…
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Keys to Effectively Setting and Reaching Goals
3 minutes read

Keys to Effectively Setting and Reaching Goals

Have you heard the saying, “you can do anything if you set your mind to it”? Well, there is a lot of truth to that statement. The real question is, how do we “set our mind to it” effectively? The answer is in effective goal setting. This short article will outline an efficient process for setting and reaching virtually any goal. The key is to be S.M.A.R.T. about it. Which is to say that goals should…
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Is This Risk Worth Taking?
1 minute read

Is This Risk Worth Taking?

Have you ever been faced with a difficult decision? Not sure which way to go because you didn’t fully understand the risks involved? Much like playing cards, there are times where we need to fold, and move on, and there are times where we should stay in the game based on anticipated risks and rewards. When evaluating risk associated with financial planning, there are some risks that we are willing…
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From the Outside Looking In
2 minutes read

From the Outside Looking In

Have you ever wondered why you look different in pictures than you do in the mirror? How about why doctors go to see another doctor for their regular check-up? Why do schools request our own children be evaluated for gifted and talented classes by a professional? The answer to all of these questions is having a different point-of-view. As human beings, we are hard-wired to view ourselves and our circumstances…
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Off the Mark
2 minutes read

Off the Mark

If you walk into your bathroom and step on a scale, you generally have a number in mind that you expect the scale to read. If the number is higher than expected, you know that you are skipping dessert for the next week. If the number is lower, then you are one step closer to cinnamon rolls for breakfast. It is human nature to make estimates and comparisons. Every day we evaluate our current environment…
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Inheritance Vs. Legacy: Which One Will You Leave?

Inheritance Vs. Legacy: Which One Will You Leave?

It takes no planning to leave an inheritance. You simply have to pass away owning something. If you wish to leave a meaningful legacy to future generations, it takes careful and thoughtful planning. Join GHA's Dale Shaw and our colleague and friend Julia Dean, founder of the Dean Law Firm as they discuss the differences from their experiences with families that have left a lasting legacy, and those that have simply left an inheritance. Learn about the key conversations that need to take place now to set your family on a track for multi-generational financial security that aligns with your desired legacy.
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Building Traction Within Your Business

Building Traction Within Your Business

Our trusted business advisor and friend, Gene Roberts joins us about the importance of having structure in your business. Structure for effective accountability, and structure for efficient communication. Gene explains the basics of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), and how it can transform your business.
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Navigating Early Retirement & Severance

Navigating Early Retirement & Severance

Are you considering early retirement? Did you just receive a severance? Many would love to be able to retire early, but just not sure if they can. There are some unique challenges that only early retirees will face. Join us as Managing Partner, Tim Smith walks us through how to navigate many of those challenges, and some specific planning strategies you could consider when planning for your own retirement or severance planning. Learn how to handle your pension, 401(k), deferred compensation, stock compensation, and more to mitigate taxes and maximize wealth during retirement.
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Estate Planning in a Changing Environment

Estate Planning in a Changing Environment

Join our trusted colleagues and estate planning attorneys, Benjamin Kelly and Amy Koontz as we discuss the key factors to consider in crafting your family's estate plan. Learn how the current tax environment might be creating the best opportunity for preserving and protecting multi-generational wealth we have ever seen or may ever see.
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The Biden Tax Proposal

The Biden Tax Proposal

Join Managing Partner, Brian Sak as he unpacks the potential tax legislation that is slated as part of the Biden Tax Proposal. While time will only tell which of these pieces of legislation will actually pass into law, it will most certainly give you a key insight into what lawmakers are focused on right now.
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Succession Planning Starts Now

Succession Planning Starts Now

Define your legacy Leaving a business you built from the ground up or played a significant role in shaping is never easy. You want to know that the legacy you created will be protected and outlast your time with the company. That’s why succession planning and continuity planning are so important. With a written plan in place, you can feel confident your vision, goals, priorities, and values will be respected and continued for years to come. At Granite Harbor, we recommend business owners begin continuity and succession planning as soon as their business comes into existence. We also help business owners create and modify plans as needed, offering guidance to protect personal finances as well as the financial health of the business. That’s also why we created this eBook, to highlight some of the most pressing issues facing business owners in the succession planning process. You’ll find insights on how to approach a variety of scenarios and what to consider at each stage. By identifying your goals and the financial strategies to achieve them, you can develop continuity and succession plans that define your legacy and position your company for long-term success.
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Avoid Emotional Money Mistakes

Avoid Emotional Money Mistakes

Making financial decisions with confidence Experienced leaders understand that emotional reactions and split- second decisions rarely yield the best results. When challenges arise, business owners and executives instead rely on data, thoughtful strategies, and experience to help their organizations achieve performance goals. The same is true for personal finances. When uncertainty arises or things do not go as planned, letting emotion guide your decision-making can have profound financial implications. After years of hard work to achieve success, it can be extremely difficult to separate emotions from disciplined decision-making. Even a brief moment of compromised judgment can have a lasting effect on your financial health and legacy. To help you avoid missteps, a team of fiduciary-level advisors can provide valuable objectivity and a voice of reason when complex emotions are involved. This ebook examines situations that can sometimes lead to emotional decision-making and how the right advisors can help you stay on track toward successful wealth management.
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Retirement Planning with Purpose and Confidence

Retirement Planning with Purpose and Confidence

Retiring with Peace of Mind Everyone has a different vision for what their retirement looks like. However, the foundations to get there are always the same: Thoughtful planning and attentive financial management from the time you start your career all the way through your retirement years is essential. Whether you are a young executive just starting to formulate a retirement strategy, approaching retirement age, or making the long-awaited transition into retirement, a trusted team of financial advisors can provide experienced and objective guidance to help keep your plans on track. This eBook offers insights on how executives and business owners should approach each stage of their retirement journey.
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Money in Motion

Money in Motion

Preparing for life’s significant triumphs, transitions and setbacks. As a business owner or executive, you recognize the value of hard work and have achieved success through persistence and determination. You also understand that goals are best accomplished using a team of professionals collaborating to bring fresh ideas, innovations and perspectives. When it comes to wealth planning, it’s vital to take the same collaborative approach with trusted advisors to build upon a solid foundation and achieve maximum potential. A fiduciary-level team of advisors can help you manage your finances at every stage of life and provide guidance to make your money work for you more efficiently. This ebook will cover the moments in life when your money is (or should be) in motion and how a team of advisors can provide guidance and recommendations that serve your best interests.
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How and Why Wealthy Families Use Life Insurance

How and Why Wealthy Families Use Life Insurance

A different approach to life insurance Many people think about life insurance as financial protection against premature death. The death benefit to be paid is a replacement for lost income and helps keep the family going. But most affluent families aren’t overly concerned with income replacement. Instead, wealthy families use life insurance to protect assets because of the specific tax benefits and ROI it can provide. Including insurance products in a well-diversified portfolio can help investors achieve financial goals for the current family while also protecting wealth for future generations. In essence, there are three major themes when it comes to how and why wealthy families use life insurance: wealth accumulation, leverage, and liquidity. This ebook will explore these themes and offer insights into how to use insurance strategies most effectively.
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