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Estate Planning Articles

Inheritance or Legacy?
5 minutes read

Inheritance or Legacy?

It takes no planning to leave an inheritance, you just have to pass away owning something. However, most wealthy families are more interested in leaving a legacy, which does require significant thought and planning. The Dilemma John has worked his entire life to achieve success in both his personal and professional life. He wanted nothing more than to create the best life for his loved ones, and worked…
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Now Is the Time to Review Estate
4 minutes read

Now Is the Time to Review Estate

Wealthy individuals who’ve completed their estate plans may consider the job done. But estate planning is a journey, not a destination. So many factors — personal, financial, and political — can change over time and challenge the effectiveness of even the best-constructed estate plan. That’s why it’s important for high-net-worth individuals to regularly review their plans with financial and estate…
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How grantor trusts (and alternatives) aid estate planning
5 minutes read

How grantor trusts (and alternatives) aid estate planning

Grantor trusts have long been a valuable estate planning tool because they allow affluent individuals to separate assets for estate and income tax purposes. But a recent legislative proposal would have radically changed how these trusts could be used, effectively eliminating their tax shelter benefits. Since the initial proposal, this particular section has since been removed, but ideas that surface…
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