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At Granite Harbor Advisors, we value the educational process, giving our clients the knowledge to move forward with confidence.


Supreme Court's Decision in Connelly v. United States: Implications for Business Owners with Buy/Sell Agreements
4 minutes read

Supreme Court's Decision in Connelly v. United States: Implications for Business Owners with Buy/Sell Agreements

On June 13, 2024, the Supreme Court delivered its decision in Connelly v. United States, a landmark case that has significant implications for business owners with entity redemption buy/sell agreements. This ruling has reshaped the landscape of estate tax calculations and necessitates careful consideration of alternative structures for buy/sell agreements and life insurance policy ownership. Below…
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Ensuring Your Legacy through Estate Planning: Preparing for the Inevitable
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Ensuring Your Legacy through Estate Planning: Preparing for the Inevitable

During a recent estate plan meeting, one of our most trusted partner estate attorneys shared a thought that deeply resonated with us and our clients. She emphasized, "Leaving your family without a plan in place is one of the most inconsiderate things you could do." We couldn't agree more. When a loved one passes away without a proper plan, it can cause significant stress, unintended burdens, and consequences…
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Financial and Estate Planning for High-net-Worth Individuals with a Blended Family
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Financial and Estate Planning for High-net-Worth Individuals with a Blended Family

In the intricate realm of financial and estate planning, an additional layer of complexity arises when dealing with high-net-worth individuals who have blended families. The challenge lies in striking a delicate balance between the financial needs and goals of each family member, while also ensuring that wealth is strategically managed and preserved for future generations. This blog post aims to illuminate…
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Empowering Your Estate: The Dynamic Partnership of Estate Planning Attorneys & Wealth Advisors
7 minutes read

Empowering Your Estate: The Dynamic Partnership of Estate Planning Attorneys & Wealth Advisors

The Dynamic Partnership of Estate Planning Attorneys & Wealth Advisors Co-Author – Amy R. Koontz, Attorney at Malouf Nakos Jackson & Swinson, P.C. As American retirees prepare to transfer a staggering $36 trillion over the next 30 years to families, friends, and charitable organizations upon death1, it’s critical to understand that a seamless transfer of wealth requires more than just a will.…
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Secure Your Business Legacy: The Power of Buy-Sell Agreement Planning for Business Owners
6 minutes read

Secure Your Business Legacy: The Power of Buy-Sell Agreement Planning for Business Owners

The Power of Buy-Sell Agreement Planning for Business Owners As a business owner, ensuring the long-term success and continuity of your enterprise is usually at the very top of the list of priorities. One of the essentials that can help you achieve this goal is effective buy-sell planning. This article delves into the significance of buy-sell planning for business owners and highlights the key strategies…
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The Clock is Ticking: Why Accredited Investors are Taking Advantage of Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI)
5 minutes read

The Clock is Ticking: Why Accredited Investors are Taking Advantage of Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI)

As today's top federal estate tax rate, or "death tax," currently tops out at 40%, proactive planning is needed for high-net-worth individuals who want to avoid nearly half of their estate going to taxes rather than their heirs upon death.1 With sizeable estate tax exemptions currently set to expire on December 31, 2025, combined with today's historically attractive tax rates, there has never been…
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Inheritance or Legacy?
5 minutes read

Inheritance or Legacy?

It takes no planning to leave an inheritance, you just have to pass away owning something. However, most wealthy families are more interested in leaving a legacy, which does require significant thought and planning. The Dilemma John has worked his entire life to achieve success in both his personal and professional life. He wanted nothing more than to create the best life for his loved ones, and worked…
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Now Is the Time to Review Estate
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Now Is the Time to Review Estate

Wealthy individuals who’ve completed their estate plans may consider the job done. But estate planning is a journey, not a destination. So many factors — personal, financial, and political — can change over time and challenge the effectiveness of even the best-constructed estate plan. That’s why it’s important for high-net-worth individuals to regularly review their plans with financial and estate…
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Benefits of Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI) for the Ultra-Affluent
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Benefits of Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI) for the Ultra-Affluent

Tax rates are currently at or near historic lows. But ask just about anyone and the expectation is that taxes are sure to increase in the future. So, finding tax-efficient shelters for wealth accumulation is important for protecting long-term portfolio value and accomplishing tax planning goals. For the ultra-wealthy, private placement life insurance (PPLI) can provide powerful tax benefits while helping…
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How grantor trusts (and alternatives) aid estate planning
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How grantor trusts (and alternatives) aid estate planning

Grantor trusts have long been a valuable estate planning tool because they allow affluent individuals to separate assets for estate and income tax purposes. But a recent legislative proposal would have radically changed how these trusts could be used, effectively eliminating their tax shelter benefits. Since the initial proposal, this particular section has since been removed, but ideas that surface…
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The Sandwich Generation: Breaking the Cycle to Create Multi-Generational Wealth
4 minutes read

The Sandwich Generation: Breaking the Cycle to Create Multi-Generational Wealth

“The sandwich generation” is a term used to describe those people who are simultaneously raising children and taking care of their aging parents, all while trying to plan for their own retirement and personal needs. Being sandwiched in between two generations can create an unsustainable financial situation that introduces new risk, potentially jeopardizing your long-term financial health. Let’s look…
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Using life insurance to transfer wealth
6 minutes read

Using life insurance to transfer wealth

Good estate planning answers three key questions: Where does your stuff go? Who is in charge? And what are the rules? Life insurance can be one of the most tax-efficient ways to answer these questions because it can limit tax exposure while protecting and facilitating generational wealth. Here’s a look at how you can develop a life insurance strategy that will help preserve your legacy for generations…
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Inheritance Vs. Legacy: Which One Will You Leave?

Inheritance Vs. Legacy: Which One Will You Leave?

It takes no planning to leave an inheritance. You simply have to pass away owning something. If you wish to leave a meaningful legacy to future generations, it takes careful and thoughtful planning. Join GHA's Dale Shaw and our colleague and friend Julia Dean, founder of the Dean Law Firm as they discuss the differences from their experiences with families that have left a lasting legacy, and those that have simply left an inheritance. Learn about the key conversations that need to take place now to set your family on a track for multi-generational financial security that aligns with your desired legacy.
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Money in Motion

Money in Motion

Preparing for life’s significant triumphs, transitions and setbacks. As a business owner or executive, you recognize the value of hard work and have achieved success through persistence and determination. You also understand that goals are best accomplished using a team of professionals collaborating to bring fresh ideas, innovations and perspectives. When it comes to wealth planning, it’s vital to take the same collaborative approach with trusted advisors to build upon a solid foundation and achieve maximum potential. A fiduciary-level team of advisors can help you manage your finances at every stage of life and provide guidance to make your money work for you more efficiently. This ebook will cover the moments in life when your money is (or should be) in motion and how a team of advisors can provide guidance and recommendations that serve your best interests.
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