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At Granite Harbor Advisors, we value the educational process, giving our clients the knowledge to move forward with confidence.

The Importance of Life Insurance in Retirement Planning During the Great Wealth Transfer
7 minutes read

The Importance of Life Insurance in Retirement Planning During the Great Wealth Transfer

The “Great Wealth Transfer” refers to the monumental shift of wealth from the Baby Boomer generation to its heirs. Over the next few decades, an estimated $84 trillion will be transferred to younger generations. This unprecedented movement of assets presents opportunities, but also challenges, for families seeking to secure their financial futures through the seamless transfer of wealth from one generation…
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The Great Wealth Transfer is Underway: Navigating New Frontiers in Retirement
8 minutes read

The Great Wealth Transfer is Underway: Navigating New Frontiers in Retirement

The impending transfer of wealth from Baby Boomers to Millennials and Gen Z is not just an unprecedented shift in economic power, estimated at $84.4 trillion by the year 2045, but also a crucial lifeline for the latter generations who are navigating through a vastly different and more challenging economic landscape than their predecessors. Unlike the Boomers, Millennials and Gen Z have been grappling…
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Navigating the Complexities of 280G Regulations in Mergers and Acquisitions
8 minutes read

Navigating the Complexities of 280G Regulations in Mergers and Acquisitions

Contributed by: Nicholas Gonzalez In the journey of any business, the strategic steps of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) stand as pivotal moments that can shape the company's path for years to come. For those entering this field, it's crucial to grasp that every move carries significant weight. Even a minor action can trigger a tax consequence under Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code, impacting…
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Succession Planning Starts Now

Succession Planning Starts Now

Define your legacy Leaving a business you built from the ground up or played a significant role in shaping is never easy. You want to know that the legacy you created will be protected and outlast your time with the company. That’s why succession planning and continuity planning are so important. With a written plan in place, you can feel confident your vision, goals, priorities, and values will be respected and continued for years to come. At Granite Harbor, we recommend business owners begin continuity and succession planning as soon as their business comes into existence. We also help business owners create and modify plans as needed, offering guidance to protect personal finances as well as the financial health of the business. That’s also why we created this eBook, to highlight some of the most pressing issues facing business owners in the succession planning process. You’ll find insights on how to approach a variety of scenarios and what to consider at each stage. By identifying your goals and the financial strategies to achieve them, you can develop continuity and succession plans that define your legacy and position your company for long-term success.
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Ensuring Your Legacy through Estate Planning: Preparing for the Inevitable
5 minutes read

Ensuring Your Legacy through Estate Planning: Preparing for the Inevitable

During a recent estate plan meeting, one of our most trusted partner estate attorneys shared a thought that deeply resonated with us and our clients. She emphasized, "Leaving your family without a plan in place is one of the most inconsiderate things you could do." We couldn't agree more. When a loved one passes away without a proper plan, it can cause significant stress, unintended burdens, and consequences…
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 Tips for Increasing the Benefits and Tax Breaks of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
3 minutes read

Tips for Increasing the Benefits and Tax Breaks of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

In the complex world of healthcare finance, one tool often stands out for its versatility and tax advantages - the Health Savings Account (HSA). HSAs are tax-advantaged medical savings accounts available to taxpayers enrolled in high-deductible health plans. But beyond being merely a savings tool, the HSA, when used strategically, can offer significant financial benefits. This guide will provide valuable…
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Understanding the 83(b) Election: A Strategic Tax Move for Business Leaders
4 minutes read

Understanding the 83(b) Election: A Strategic Tax Move for Business Leaders

Contributed by: Nicholas E. Gonzalez, CEPA®, CRPS® The 83(b) election is an essential tax planning strategy that can significantly impact the financial outcomes of business owners, C-suite executives, and founders. This article dives into the specifics of what an 83(b) election is, its tax implications, how it pertains to stock awards, when it should be considered, and the potential outcomes of making…
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Integrating Public & Private Market Access

Integrating Public & Private Market Access

With the expansion of Private Markets, Granite Harbor recognizes the significance of offering effective exposure to a growing asset class in investment portfolios. Additionally, we believe that more investment opportunities are electing to stay in the private arena for longer than they previously were. This idea is supported by the fact that: Investment in Private Markets as measured by Assets Under Management accounted for $13.1 Trillion in 20231. This level of investment equates to approximately 30% of the total market capitalization of the S&P 5002. Growth in Private Market investment has increased exponentially in recent years. Since 2018, private market investment has grown by 20% per year1. In 2021, the average size of IPO as measured by market capitalization was $3.96 Billion. In 2010, the average market capitalization was only $545 million3. Sources https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/private-equity-and-principal-investors/our-insights/mckinseys-private-markets-annual-review#/ https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/indices/equity/sp-500/#data https://site.warrington.ufl.edu/ritter/files/IPO-Statistics.pdf
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Understanding Tax-Loss Harvesting: A Guide for Investors
3 minutes read

Understanding Tax-Loss Harvesting: A Guide for Investors

Understanding Tax-Loss Harvesting: Tax-loss harvesting is a sophisticated investment strategy that involves the selling of securities at a loss to offset a corresponding gain. When applied effectively, this technique can reduce the taxable income and enhance the tax-efficiency of an investment portfolio. The essence of tax-loss harvesting lies in its capacity to lower the investor's current year's…
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The Power of a Holistic Approach to Public and Private Equity Markets for Accredited Investors
3 minutes read

The Power of a Holistic Approach to Public and Private Equity Markets for Accredited Investors

The Power of a Holistic Approach to Public and Private Equity Markets for Accredited Investors When it comes to growing and preserving wealth, accredited investors have a unique advantage in harnessing the often-underestimated synergy between public and private equity markets. By utilizing a comprehensive strategy that integrates both markets, investors can optimize their returns and build a robust…
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Avoid Emotional Money Mistakes

Avoid Emotional Money Mistakes

Making financial decisions with confidence Experienced leaders understand that emotional reactions and split- second decisions rarely yield the best results. When challenges arise, business owners and executives instead rely on data, thoughtful strategies, and experience to help their organizations achieve performance goals. The same is true for personal finances. When uncertainty arises or things do not go as planned, letting emotion guide your decision-making can have profound financial implications. After years of hard work to achieve success, it can be extremely difficult to separate emotions from disciplined decision-making. Even a brief moment of compromised judgment can have a lasting effect on your financial health and legacy. To help you avoid missteps, a team of fiduciary-level advisors can provide valuable objectivity and a voice of reason when complex emotions are involved. This ebook examines situations that can sometimes lead to emotional decision-making and how the right advisors can help you stay on track toward successful wealth management.
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The Impact of Presidential Elections on the Stock Market
2 minutes read

The Impact of Presidential Elections on the Stock Market

The Impact of Presidential Elections on the Stock Market Investors often ponder the connection between elections and stock market performance, whether it's during mid-term elections or presidential elections. This topic tends to resurface every election year, sparking discussions and analysis among market participants. Whether you're a novice dipping your toes into the world of investing or a seasoned…
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The Importance of Life Insurance in Retirement Planning During the Great Wealth Transfer
7 minutes read

The Importance of Life Insurance in Retirement Planning During the Great Wealth Transfer

The “Great Wealth Transfer” refers to the monumental shift of wealth from the Baby Boomer generation to its heirs. Over the next few decades, an estimated $84 trillion will be transferred to younger generations. This unprecedented movement of assets presents opportunities, but also challenges, for families seeking to secure their financial futures through the seamless transfer of wealth from one generation…
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Using Life Insurance to Transfer Wealth

Using Life Insurance to Transfer Wealth

Using Life Insurance to Transfer Wealth Life insurance can be a useful tool to accomplish many different planning goals. Specifically, if you are investing for a purpose that extends beyond your lifetime, like preserving wealth for generations to come, then life insurance can be a very attractive investment vehicle. Download our infographic to see how a well-designed life insurance strategy can be a tax-efficient way to transfer wealth and protect your legacy.
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Unraveling the Secrets of Cash Value Life Insurance
3 minutes read

Unraveling the Secrets of Cash Value Life Insurance

Cash Value Life Insurance, also known as permanent life insurance, combines a death benefit with an investment component called the cash value. In a cash value life insurance policy, part of each premium you pay is allocated towards insuring your life, while the remaining portion is dedicated to building up a cash value. The cash value portion of your policy grows tax-deferred, and if structured properly,…
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Understanding Premium Financing: A Strategic Approach to Wealth Building
2 minutes read

Understanding Premium Financing: A Strategic Approach to Wealth Building

Understanding Premium Financing Premium Financing represents a sophisticated financial strategy that involves the procurement of a bank loan to pay for insurance premiums. This approach is particularly advantageous for high-net-worth individuals seeking to preserve their use of capital in other areas, while securing desired life insurance coverage for liquidity planning. The Mechanics of Premium Financing Premium…
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Understanding Life Settlement: Recognizing the market value of your life insurance
4 minutes read

Understanding Life Settlement: Recognizing the market value of your life insurance

Many people think of life insurance in rather uninspired terms. They generally consider it a liability and an expense that shows up in cash flow projections, not a true asset. This is sometimes why investors will surrender a policy or let one lapse. But before doing either of those things, policyholders should consider a life settlement. When used strategically as part of a comprehensive financial…
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How and Why Wealthy Families Use Life Insurance

How and Why Wealthy Families Use Life Insurance

A different approach to life insurance Many people think about life insurance as financial protection against premature death. The death benefit to be paid is a replacement for lost income and helps keep the family going. But most affluent families aren’t overly concerned with income replacement. Instead, wealthy families use life insurance to protect assets because of the specific tax benefits and ROI it can provide. Including insurance products in a well-diversified portfolio can help investors achieve financial goals for the current family while also protecting wealth for future generations. In essence, there are three major themes when it comes to how and why wealthy families use life insurance: wealth accumulation, leverage, and liquidity. This ebook will explore these themes and offer insights into how to use insurance strategies most effectively.
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