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Executive Benefits Articles

Understanding Your Retirement Benefits: Things to consider as a BP Executive Preparing to Retire
7 minutes read

Understanding Your Retirement Benefits: Things to consider as a BP Executive Preparing to Retire

How do I make the most of my BP retirement benefits? As one of the most lucrative positions in the oil and gas industry, BP executives enjoy exceptional employee benefits. However, navigating these offerings can be overwhelming, even for high-level executives. From cash compensation and severance packages to stock options and bonuses, the array of benefits can be daunting to navigate—especially anticipating…
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Managing Your 401(k) After Job Transition: Key Considerations & Advanced Tax Strategies
6 minutes read

Managing Your 401(k) After Job Transition: Key Considerations & Advanced Tax Strategies

What to do with Your 401(k) after Leaving a Job: Key Considerations & Advanced Tax Strategies When navigating a job transition, whether entering retirement or an unexpected layoff, one crucial aspect that requires careful consideration is what to do with your 401(k) plan. Making informed choices is of utmost importance to safeguard your financial future. By taking stock of your existing plan and…
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How to Create Liquidity by Selling a Business to an ESOP
6 minutes read

How to Create Liquidity by Selling a Business to an ESOP

Selling a closely held business can be an incredibly complex process that requires a lot of thoughtful planning. For business owners, two challenges often come to the forefront: finding a buyer and creating a liquidity event for the business owner. Selling a business to an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) can address both of these issues while also creating an incentive for employees. Here’s a…
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Navigating a Job Transition
3 minutes read

Navigating a Job Transition

Mostly gone are the days where someone spends their entire career working for one company. Talented executives have become “free agents” and can transition between companies as needed. When planned, these job transitions can be an exciting time. Sometimes factors beyond our control force us to endure an unplanned job transition. This can add stress, usually at the worst possible time, as a variety…
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