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Off the Mark
2 minutes read

Off the Mark

If you walk into your bathroom and step on a scale, you generally have a number in mind that you expect the scale to read. If the number is higher than expected, you know that you are skipping dessert for the next week. If the number is lower, then you are one step closer to cinnamon rolls for breakfast. It is human nature to make estimates and comparisons. Every day we evaluate our current environment…
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What's In A Market
2 minutes read

What's In A Market

Every day investment professionals across the globe hear some version of the same question: What’s the market going to do? We are all guilty for asking, or at least thinking, about this question. There are also extremely insightful and thoughtful answers to that question. Unfortunately, on any given day the answer is almost a 50/50 chance of being “up” or “down”. Equally as unfortunate is that we all…
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