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Keys to Effectively Setting and Reaching Goals
3 minutes read

Keys to Effectively Setting and Reaching Goals

Have you heard the saying, “you can do anything if you set your mind to it”? Well, there is a lot of truth to that statement. The real question is, how do we “set our mind to it” effectively? The answer is in effective goal setting. This short article will outline an efficient process for setting and reaching virtually any goal. The key is to be S.M.A.R.T. about it. Which is to say that goals should…
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Is This Risk Worth Taking?
2 minutes read

Is This Risk Worth Taking?

Have you ever been faced with a difficult decision? Not sure which way to go because you didn’t fully understand the risks involved? Much like playing cards, there are times where we need to fold, and move on, and there are times where we should stay in the game based on anticipated risks and rewards. When evaluating risk associated with financial planning, there are some risks that we are willing…
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From the Outside Looking In
2 minutes read

From the Outside Looking In

Have you ever wondered why you look different in pictures than you do in the mirror? How about why doctors go to see another doctor for their regular check-up? Why do schools request our own children be evaluated for gifted and talented classes by a professional? The answer to all of these questions is having a different point-of-view. As human beings, we are hard-wired to view ourselves and our circumstances…
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Off the Mark
2 minutes read

Off the Mark

If you walk into your bathroom and step on a scale, you generally have a number in mind that you expect the scale to read. If the number is higher than expected, you know that you are skipping dessert for the next week. If the number is lower, then you are one step closer to cinnamon rolls for breakfast. It is human nature to make estimates and comparisons. Every day we evaluate our current environment…
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What's In A Market
2 minutes read

What's In A Market

Every day investment professionals across the globe hear some version of the same question: What’s the market going to do? We are all guilty for asking, or at least thinking, about this question. There are also extremely insightful and thoughtful answers to that question. Unfortunately, on any given day the answer is almost a 50/50 chance of being “up” or “down”. Equally as unfortunate is that we all…
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