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Now Is the Time to Review Estate
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Now Is the Time to Review Estate

Wealthy individuals who’ve completed their estate plans may consider the job done. But estate planning is a journey, not a destination. So many factors — personal, financial, and political — can change over time and challenge the effectiveness of even the best-constructed estate plan. That’s why it’s important for high-net-worth individuals to regularly review their plans with financial and estate…
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How to Create Liquidity by Selling a Business to an ESOP
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How to Create Liquidity by Selling a Business to an ESOP

Selling a closely held business can be an incredibly complex process that requires a lot of thoughtful planning. For business owners, two challenges often come to the forefront: finding a buyer and creating a liquidity event for the business owner. Selling a business to an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) can address both of these issues while also creating an incentive for employees. Here’s a…
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Why Average Rate of Return is Not the Key to Retirement Income Planning
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Why Average Rate of Return is Not the Key to Retirement Income Planning

Many investors use the average rate of returns as one of their primary metrics for assessing portfolio performance. In your earning years, the average rate is a useful benchmark because most people are focused on total wealth accumulation. But when you enter retirement, the order in which you experience those returns becomes much more important. A bad year or two at the start of retirement could have…
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Income Tax Planning in Early Retirement: Strategies for HNWIs
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Income Tax Planning in Early Retirement: Strategies for HNWIs

Anyone entering retirement must manage the tax implications that come with shifting their primary income source from their employer to other income streams like social security. But for high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) with robust portfolios, income tax planning can be particularly complex. Retiring early can complicate the tax planning process even further. In a recent video presentation, Granite…
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Cash flow in early retirement: Six considerations for high-net-worth individuals
6 minutes read

Cash flow in early retirement: Six considerations for high-net-worth individuals

Many people dream of retiring early so they can spend more time with family and their passions outside of work. But early retirement can present some unique risks, even for high-net-worth individuals. To ensure financial goals are met, thoughtful planning is required, particularly when it comes to cash flow. In a recent video presentation, Granite Harbor partner Tim Smith, CFP® discussed considerations…
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Benefits of Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI) for the Ultra-Affluent
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Benefits of Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI) for the Ultra-Affluent

Tax rates are currently at or near historic lows. But ask just about anyone and the expectation is that taxes are sure to increase in the future. So, finding tax-efficient shelters for wealth accumulation is important for protecting long-term portfolio value and accomplishing tax planning goals. For the ultra-wealthy, private placement life insurance (PPLI) can provide powerful tax benefits while helping…
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How grantor trusts (and alternatives) aid estate planning
5 minutes read

How grantor trusts (and alternatives) aid estate planning

Grantor trusts have long been a valuable estate planning tool because they allow affluent individuals to separate assets for estate and income tax purposes. But a recent legislative proposal would have radically changed how these trusts could be used, effectively eliminating their tax shelter benefits. Since the initial proposal, this particular section has since been removed, but ideas that surface…
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Don’t Let Age Guide Your Retirement Planning
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Don’t Let Age Guide Your Retirement Planning

There are many rules of thumb in the world of personal financial planning, particularly when it comes to retirement planning. Some common “rules” are to be more conservative with your money as you get older, or that the percentage of bonds in your portfolio should be equal to your age. These rules may be appropriate for some, but not for all. Many affluent individuals often have more flexibility as…
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The Sandwich Generation: Breaking the Cycle to Create Multi-Generational Wealth
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The Sandwich Generation: Breaking the Cycle to Create Multi-Generational Wealth

“The sandwich generation” is a term used to describe those people who are simultaneously raising children and taking care of their aging parents, all while trying to plan for their own retirement and personal needs. Being sandwiched in between two generations can create an unsustainable financial situation that introduces new risk, potentially jeopardizing your long-term financial health. Let’s look…
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