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Stock Compensation Strategies: How to Balance Risk and Achieve Tax Efficiency
5 minutes read

Stock Compensation Strategies: How to Balance Risk and Achieve Tax Efficiency

Many corporate executives receive stock as part of their total compensation package. This not only helps align personal goals and company objectives while rewarding top talent with appreciable assets, but many executives enjoy tying their finances, in part, to their employer. They believe in their company and in their own ability to help that company grow. But as total compensation becomes skewed toward…
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Using life insurance to transfer wealth
6 minutes read

Using life insurance to transfer wealth

Good estate planning answers three key questions: Where does your stuff go? Who is in charge? And what are the rules? Life insurance can be one of the most tax-efficient ways to answer these questions because it can limit tax exposure while protecting and facilitating generational wealth. Here’s a look at how you can develop a life insurance strategy that will help preserve your legacy for generations…
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10 Interview Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor
7 minutes read

10 Interview Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor

Ask the Right Questions Not all financial advisors are the same. Asking the right questions can help you find the right advisor for your specific goals. However, you may not be aware of what questions to ask or even what a good answer would be. You may find this concise summary of questions helpful in your search. 1. Are you…
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Inflation: Responding Appropriately with Flexibility and Discipline
4 minutes read

Inflation: Responding Appropriately with Flexibility and Discipline

Inflation is a hot topic these days with many experts and financial institutions offering predictions about the short- and long-term outlook. The truth is, no one can tell the future, and trying to guess our way around what will or will not happen is poor financial planning. Instead, let us take an objective look at the risks associated with inflation, the right mentality for approaching the issue,…
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Opening the back door to tax-free earnings
2 minutes read

Opening the back door to tax-free earnings

As covered in our 401(k) – Super Roth article, a Roth IRA offers an attractive tax benefit. But, what do you do if you do not have a 401(k) or your 401(k) does not allow post-tax contributions? The answer is the Backdoor Roth which is the conversion from a Traditional to a Roth IRA. Both the Super Roth and Back Door options are for people who exceed the income limits (single filers that make over $139,000…
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Navigating a Job Transition
3 minutes read

Navigating a Job Transition

Mostly gone are the days where someone spends their entire career working for one company. Talented executives have become “free agents” and can transition between companies as needed. When planned, these job transitions can be an exciting time. Sometimes factors beyond our control force us to endure an unplanned job transition. This can add stress, usually at the worst possible time, as a variety…
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Do I Need a Financial Advisor?
3 minutes read

Do I Need a Financial Advisor?

In the 21st century, endless information is accessible in the palm of our hands. With a few clicks, we can find the basic information we need to make financial decisions quickly and easily. But for some of us, basic information is not enough. Additionally, we tend to have limited amounts of time for researching, implementing, and monitoring financial decisions. If you find yourself thinking about some…
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Rolling over your 401(K)? Consider Net Unrealized Appreciation first
4 minutes read

Rolling over your 401(K)? Consider Net Unrealized Appreciation first

At Granite Harbor Advisors, we believe in helping our clients better understand all of their options so they can make the best decision for their families. To that end, here is a more detailed look at what net unrealized appreciation is and how you can use it to advance your financial goals. What is net unrealized appreciation (NUA)? Net unrealized appreciation is simply the difference in value between…
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Super Fund your Roth IRA for Tax-Free Earnings
3 minutes read

Super Fund your Roth IRA for Tax-Free Earnings

United States Army veteran William Victor Roth will forever be remembered for creating one of the most utilized tax-savings tools available. During his 30-year career as a US Senator, he pioneered a new retirement savings vehicle, the Roth Individual Retirement Account (Roth IRA), as part of the Tax-Payer Relief Act of 1997. With the previously established “traditional” IRA, the tax benefits are realized…
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